Trick Tips

8 Functions of Airplane Mode Apart from Flight Safety


Smartphones have become an integral part of everyday life. With the various features on offer, one that is often overlooked but has significant benefits is airplane mode. This function, which was originally designed to be used while on board an airplane, turns out to bring various other benefits that may not be widely known.

On this occasion, Carisinyal will discuss the function of airplane mode beyond its main use which is for flight safety. Check out the complete information in this article.

1. Cutting Off Various Signals

This feature is designed to interrupt all transmission signals to and from electronic devices, including cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth signals. The main reason behind using airplane mode is to prevent interference between passengers' electronic devices and the aircraft's navigation and communications systems.

Although the risk of interference is considered low, these precautions are taken to eliminate possible risks that could disrupt aircraft operations and ensure flight safety.

In practice, when airplane mode is activated, all wireless transmission functions on the device will be disabled. This means that users will not be able to make or receive phone calls, text messages, or use the internet via cellular data or Wi-Fi.

2. Save Battery

When airplane mode is activated, the device will disconnect all wireless connections, including cellular service, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. This connection, when active, constantly searches for and maintains a signal, which requires the use of battery energy.

By disabling these functions, power consumption can be drastically reduced thereby extending the battery life of the device. This becomes especially useful in situations where access to a charger is limited, such as when traveling or when in locations without easy access to a power source.

3. Speeds up battery charging

One of the often overlooked benefits of using airplane mode on electronic devices is its ability to speed up the battery charging process. When airplane mode is activated, all wireless connections on the device—such as cellular service, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth—are disabled.

This reduces the power consumption that occurs during the charging process because the device is no longer searching for a signal or maintaining a connection with the network. An active wireless connection requires energy which not only reduces battery charging efficiency but also slows down the time it takes to reach full capacity.

By eliminating these factors that influence power consumption, battery charging becomes more efficient, allowing the battery to reach full capacity in less time.

4. Stabilize the Signal

In the context of connectivity and communications, airplane mode on electronic devices has an interesting benefit that many people may not know about, namely its ability to stabilize signals.

When a device is having difficulty connecting to a network or frequently switches between a weak and strong signal, turning on airplane mode can be a quick and effective solution. This function works by disconnecting all wireless signals—cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth—and when disabled again, the device will search for and reconnect to an available signal.

This process allows the device to “reset” its wireless connection, often resulting in a more stable and strong connection.

5. Speed ​​up the Device Operating System

Airplane mode, thought to be simply a feature to avoid interference with aircraft equipment, turns out to have an additional benefit that many may not know about, namely its ability to speed up the device's operating system.

When airplane mode is activated, the device will disconnect all wireless connections. This significantly reduces the number of processes running in the background, which are related to the device's efforts to maintain a connection, search for a signal, or refresh data from applications that require an internet connection.

By reducing the load on the processor and memory, devices can operate more smoothly and responsively.

6. Minimize Ads When Accessing Content

When you activate airplane mode, all wireless connections will be disabled, including internet connections. This means that the device cannot access the internet, which automatically stops the display of ads that usually appear when using apps or browsing the web.

Of course, this allows users to enjoy content that has been downloaded or stored on the device without being disturbed by advertisements that appear randomly, which often annoy us when accessing various types of content.

7. Reduce Internet Data Usage

If you want to limit internet data usage on your device, use airplane mode. When this mode is activated, the internet connection on the device will immediately be disconnected. This automatically stops all internet data transfers, both for browsing, email, social media, and updating applications running in the background.

Thus, you can effectively control internet data usage, avoiding unnecessary or unnoticed data usage that often occurs when devices are continuously connected.

8. Maintain Privacy

Protecting PrivacyProtecting Privacy

One feature that is often overlooked but is effective in helping maintain privacy is airplane mode on electronic devices. When airplane mode is activated, the device will disconnect all wireless connections including cellular service, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular data.

This means that the device cannot receive or send data. In terms of privacy, it reduces the possibility of location tracking, data interception and illegal access to users' personal information. By eliminating this connection, users have more control over their information and how it is shared or accessed through their devices.

In conclusion, airplane mode offers more than just functions to use while on a plane. From saving battery, speeding up charging, to maintaining privacy, this feature has various benefits that can maximize the use of everyday electronic devices.

Therefore, airplane mode is not only an important tool for flight safety, but also a versatile feature that will greatly benefit you, electronic device users.


There are several questions that are often asked regarding the function of airplane mode on smartphones. Come on, look at a number of questions and their answers below.

1. What is airplane mode?

Airplane mode is a setting on a mobile device that turns off its wireless connections, including cellular service, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

2. Why should we turn on airplane mode during flight?

We must turn on airplane mode during flight to prevent interference with the aircraft's communication and navigation systems.

3. Is it mandatory to turn on airplane mode during a flight?

Yes, in general, airplane mode must be turned on during the flight in accordance with the cabin crew's instructions for flight safety.

4. What happens if the cellphone is in airplane mode?

If your cellphone is in airplane mode, all wireless connections are turned off.

5. What is the use of airplane mode when it rains?

Airplane mode does not have a special function in the rain, but can be used to save battery or avoid signal interference.

6. Can airplane mode receive calls?

No, airplane mode cannot receive calls because the cellular network function is turned off.

7. Can airplane mode cool the cellphone?

Airplane mode does not directly cool the cellphone, but it can help reduce power usage which can cause overheating of the device.

8. Does a cellphone that is in airplane mode still have radiation?

A cellphone that is in airplane mode still emits very low radiation, but much less than when the wireless connection is active.

9. Can airplane mode save battery?

Yes, airplane mode can save battery because turning off the wireless connection reduces power usage.

10. Is it permissible to sleep near your cellphone in airplane mode?

In general, sleeping near a cellphone in airplane mode is considered safer because the radiation reduction is not as great as when the wireless connection is active.

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