Trick Tips

Use a secret code, this is how to check the condition of the ASUS HP screen


ASUS is one of the most popular HP brands in the HP segment. One product that is quite popular is the Zenfone and ROG Phone series. This cellphone is known for its fairly compact body size with a tiny screen. Even so, the ability of the screen it has is quite immersive with various excellent features.

As a modern cellphone that has a screen size that fills the front, of course there is a considerable risk of damage. Especially if it is not protected by good enough security. Not only will the screen crack, but there could be damage to the touch screen system or touchscreen.

To avoid these things, you can periodically check the condition of your ASUS HP screen. The method is not too difficult. In this article, the Caris Signal team has prepared a discussion on how to easily check the ASUS HP screen.

If you are an ASUS HP user, please see this article until it’s finished, OK? This method uses the HP ASUS Zenfone 9 as a test run. However, it seems that this method can also be used on the ROG Phone.

How to Check the Status of the ASUS HP Screen

how to check asus cellphone screen

Checking or checking the condition of the ASUS HP screen is actually quite easy. There are two ways you can do this, namely by manually checking and using a secret code. How to? Check out the full discussion below.

1. How to Check the Status of the ASUS HP Screen Manually

asus zenfone 9 2_

The first way that can be done to check the state of the screen is to check it manually. In a way, this is an initial stage of checking that can be done. Because, this method is easier and more practical to do.

You can start by physically checking the HP screen. You can check whether there are cracks in the screen or not. To make it easier, please open a plain white image. Also make sure that the crack is not scratch-resistant, if it’s only scratch-resistant it might not be too much of a problem.

Apart from cracks, you also need to make sure the resulting color is still accurate. You can check it by opening the image which is full of colors. Make sure all the colors still look bright enough without any blurring.

You can also check the touchscreen or touchscreen on your ASUS HP easily. You only need to use your cellphone as usual in a few minutes. If you don’t find any resistance or strange things in the touch, your cellphone’s touch screen is probably still good. Conversely, if there are areas that are hard to touch, then there could be a problem.

This method will not give accurate results. However, this manual method can be done as the first step in checking the condition of your ASUS HP screen.

2. How to Check the Status of the ASUS HP Screen Using a Secret Code

Just like other cellphones, ASUS also has a secret code in the form of a combination of numbers and symbols. One of the secret codes owned by this ASUS cellphone has various functions in it. One of them is to check the state of the screen. If you are an ASUS HP user and want to check the screen condition, please refer to the following steps.

  • If most cellphones enter their secret code in the Call application, ASUS has a slightly different method.
  • This secret code must be entered in the calculator application.
how to check asus cellphone screen
  • Please open the application”Calculator” as his first step.

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