smart phone

These are the advantages of the Pro Mode feature on the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G


The Samsung Galaxy A53 5G offers a Quad Camera 64 MP OIS and other supporting features. One of the features in question is Pro Mode, which is one of the superior features on this cellphone.

Usually Pro Mode is a feature that is rarely used by smartphone users. The reason may be that this feature requires the user to manually adjust the camera lens before shooting.

Even though the same as other features, Pro Mode is able to provide good photo results. MX Product Marketing Senior Manager SEIN, Ilham Hendrawan explained that the Pro feature was deliberately embedded in the Galaxy A53 5G, so that users can set their own camera lens according to the subject of the photo taken.

“Pro Mode can be used for those who want to set their own focus, ISO and tone from the camera so they can produce maximum photos,” said Ilham at the Photography Workshop Galaxy A53 5G on Monday (11/14/2022).


Meanwhile, when asked about the advantages of Pro Mode on the Galaxy A53 5G, Ilham replied that the advantage of Pro Mode on the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G is that the lens settings in this mode are quite complete.

Users of the latest Samsung mobile phones can adjust the sensitivity level of the camera sensor to light or ISO, exposure, shutter speeduntil the camera focuses according to the subject of the photo and the surrounding light conditions.

Another advantage of Pro Mode on the Galaxy A53 5G is in terms of photo results. Ilham thinks that the photos produced by Pro Mode are good compared to using auto mode features such as the Macro Camera or Portrait Camera where the lens has been adjusted automatically.

Pro Mode Samsung Galaxy A53 5G
Galaxy A53 5G Urban & Lighting Photography Workshop event on Monday (14/11/2022)

“You could say Pro Mode is one step ahead compared to other frequently used features,” Ilham claims.

Photographer Putri Anindya also agrees that Pro Mode is an excellent feature that users can use. As a professional photographer, Pro Mode on the Galaxy A53 5G makes it easy to produce aesthetic photos.

For example, if the user wants to take pictures at night. The Samsung Galaxy A53 5G does provide Night Mode for taking at night, but users can also use Pro Mode by adjusting the ISO and camera focus as needed.


“So with Pro Mode we can explore the atmosphere even more city light in Jakarta, to produce more dramatic photos,” said Putri.

Likewise for portrait or vertical shooting. By using Pro Mode, the resulting photos will look more attractive and professional.

“For me who likes photos portrait of strangersthe Pro Mode is really good for content that makes it look more professional,” said Putri. [NM/HBS]

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