
The Easy Way to Transfer Telkomsel Credit, Complete Guide for 2023


You want to send or transfer Telkomsel credit to friends or family, but you can’t counter credit? Relax, you can do it in an easier way, without having to leave the house. We will give you tips on how to transfer Telkomsel credit, starting from via SMS, UMB, to applications.

Credit transfer is one of the features offered by Telkomsel to users. Through this feature, users can send pulses to other people, especially in emergencies.

Well, this time the team The telephone will share an easy way to transfer Telkomsel credit to fellow customers. Curious about how to share Simpati credits and how much does it cost to transfer Telkomsel 2023 credits?


However, before discussing how to send Telkomsel credit, there are several requirements that customers must pay attention to.

Telkomsel Credit Transfer Terms and Conditions

There are several terms and conditions before transferring credit for Telkomsel products such as Simpati. You must pay attention to some of these requirements so that there are no interruptions in the delivery process. Following are the terms and conditions:

  • Credit that can be transferred by customers is between IDR 5,000 and IDR 1,000,000 per transaction.
  • The next condition is that the maximum transaction in 1 day per number is 250 transactions.
  • Then another requirement, the credit sender must be in an active period while the credit recipient can be in a grace period.
  • Furthermore, you need to know that each transaction does not change the active period of the recipient. If the recipient of the credit is in a grace period, then the credit will only be used after the recipient has refilled it.
  • Another condition is that the nominal transferred will not be counted as usage by the sender, but the credit transfer fee will be counted as usage by the sender.
  • Customers can make transactions if the active period of the number is more than 3 days.
  • The maximum transaction nominal in 1 day per number is IDR 1,000,000.
  • Then the minimum remaining Telkomsel credit after the transfer for Simpati, Kartu As, and Loop users is IDR 2,000.
  • Finally, there is a fee for sending credit via UMB *858# and the MyTelkomsel application. The fee is for denominations of Rp. 5,000 – Rp. 19,000, the fee charged is Rp. 1,850 and for denominations of Rp. 20,000 onwards it is Rp. 2,000.

How to Transfer Telkomsel Credit 2023

So, here are various ways to transfer Telkomsel credit that you can try:

1. Credit Transfer via the MyTelkomsel Application

How to Transfer Telkomsel Credit

Transferring credit via MyTelkomsel is the first convenience offered by Telkomsel. This feature is useful for you users smartphone who want to send pulses. Here’s how:

  • Open the app MyTelkomsel.
  • Akses menu > Gift available on the app.
  • Enter the destination number.
  • Select > Credit Transfer in the available menu.
  • Select your preferred payment method. There are several payment menus that you can choose from.
  • Enter OTP codes.
  • Later you will receive a transaction notification and the transaction is successful.

2. Transfer Telkomsel Credit via UMB *858#

Sending Simpati pulses by calling UMB *858# is another convenience offered by Telkomsel. This feature is useful for customers who are in places that don’t get a 4G LTE network.

Here’s how to send Telkomsel credit via UMB *858#:

  • Open the call menu on the phone.
  • Get in touch *858#and select number 1 for the option Credit Transfer.
  • Enter the desired beneficiary number and nominal

3. Transfer Telkomsel credit via SMS

Next can be done via SMS. This method can be said to be the easiest way to do it. Here’s how:

How to Send Telkomsel Credit

  • Open the Messaging/SMS application on the cellphone.
  • Type SMS format > TPULSA (space) Nominal pulse
  • After that, create a new message, and select the destination number that you will send credit to. The SMS format is TPULSA(space)Toll nominal.
  • Next, you will receive a reply confirmation SMS message from 858.
  • Reply to the SMS message for confirmation with the format type > OF.
  • Then click Send.
  • The process for sending Simpati Telkomsel credit via SMS is complete

For information, every time you transfer Telkomsel credit, you will be charged a transaction fee of IDR 1,850. And when doing so, the minimum remaining credit is IDR 5,000, after deducting the number of credits sent and the transaction fee.

So for example, if you are going to transfer Telkomsel credit in the amount of Rp. 5,000, while the credit you currently have is Rp. 10,000, then the transaction cannot be made.


Because the IDR 5,000 credit that will be transferred + the Telkomsel credit sending fee is IDR 1,850, it means that the remaining credit is only IDR 3,150, less than IDR 5,000 which is the minimum requirement for making transactions.

4. How to Transfer Telkomsel Credit via SMS

Lastly by using SMS but via the UMB code *858#. The method is also easy and here is the complete tutorial:

  • Open your smartphone and type *858#.
  • Select “1. Credit Transfer”.
  • Enter the destination cellphone number (the number you will send credit to).
  • Enter a nominal amount, a minimum of 5,000 and a maximum of 1 million
  • A confirmation will appear whether you want to transfer. Press “Yes” and a successful transfer notification will appear.

These are the terms and methods for transferring Telkomsel credit that you can use for reference in meeting your daily communication needs. We hope this information is useful to you, and good luck! (NM/MF)

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