Trick Tips

No need for a DSLR camera, here are 5 ways to photograph the night sky with a cell phone


Taking pictures is one of the hobbies that is on the rise in the last decade. Especially since the advent of camera phones. Many people start to pursue this one hobby because it is considered quite easy.

Now, among the many photography hobby themes, photographing the night sky is one of its own excitement. This is because the view of the sky at night is considered more beautiful because you can find lots of stars and other outer space objects.

Of course the beauty of the night sky is not enough if it is only seen or stored in the memory of the brain. Therefore, many people try to capture the beauty of the night sky using various devices, including cellphones.

Unfortunately, there are still many opinions that say that photographing the beauty of the sky at night can only be done if you use a DSLR camera or camera mirrorless. Even if you understand the science of photography, taking pictures of the night sky with a cell phone is also possible.

For those of you who are still curious, here’s how to take pictures of the night sky with a cell phone that you can try.

How to Take a Photograph of the Night Sky with a Cellphone

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G (

In shooting at night, location selection is something you need to pay attention to. The reason is that photographing the night sky turns out to be more optimal if it is done in the open with minimal air pollution and light pollution.

Even if you want to shoot the sky in an urban area, you can choose to shoot at a higher place, such as the roof of a building. Keep in mind, if you choose a place with too many lights or light, the camera sensor will not be optimal for capturing photos of the night sky.

You also need to pay attention to the season in shooting at night. It’s a good idea to shoot during the dry season and make sure the sky is clear. If the location and weather are suitable, here’s how to photograph the night sky with a cell phone.

You also need to pay attention to the season in shooting at night. It’s a good idea to shoot during the dry season and make sure the sky is clear. If the location and weather are suitable, here’s how to photograph the night sky with a cell phone.

1. Prepare a cellphone camera

samsung galaxy a54

The first thing you need to do is prepare the camera smartphone You. Make sure your camera has a charged battery. In addition, keep in mind that the sharpness of the HP camera sensor will affect the photo results.

2. Use a tripod

Fotopro UFO 2 tripod

To make the most of HP devices in photographing the night sky, you can use a tripod. This device is even mandatory so that you can get clear, detailed photos of the sky. The reason is, with a tripod the camera will be more stable and won’t shake much, so that the HP camera can focus more on capturing the light of the night sky.

For information, in photographing the night sky, the camera smartphone will need long exposure. This means that the camera lens will capture light for a long time. So you need stability. Even so, some smartphones are equipped with stabilization features, still using a tripod is better.

3. Find the Right Angle

After the cellphone is ready, you can find the right angle so that the photos of the night sky are clear. You can point the HP camera up, where the stars are visible. You don’t have to take a full shot of the sky, you might be able to add other objects such as trees to make the composition more beautiful.

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