
Indosat Collaborates with ZTE to Strengthen Network to 100 Million Subscribers


Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH) cooperates with ZTE Corporation, to build a 5G network and strengthen the 4G network to provide the best service to more than 100 million Indosat customers.

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Chief Technology Officer, Desmond Cheung explained that the two companies will further explore the development of the next generation 5G transport network, accelerating network transformation to offer a rich digital service experience for more than 100 million IOH customers in Indonesia.

“IOH and ZTE share the same vision to continuously improve the customer experience. We are looking to further explore our expertise to provide a world-class digital experience for all IOH customers. This is in line with our main strategy which prioritizes partnerships,” said Desmond.

ZTE will join IOH in good faith, share visions and carry out 5G-related activities with the aim of establishing commercial collaboration on transport and access network innovation.


Meanwhile, the two companies will carry out in-depth research and cooperation on FTTx, wireless smart orchestration and fixed wireless access to provide Indonesian users with seamless network connectivity and coverage, as well as a high-quality network service experience.

“We at IOH are inspired by the Indonesian philosophy, Gotong Royong, which means inviting various parties to achieve a bigger goal,” continued Desmond.

Going forward, with end-to-end technology innovation and accumulation based on 5G practice and exploration, ZTE will continue its comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation with IOH to help build a new generation of intelligent and reliable 5G transport network in Indonesia.


Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH) and ZTE Corporation have signed a strategic collaboration Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Mobile World Congress 2023 in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

The parties who signed the MoU were Chief Technology Officer of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Desmond Cheung and Executive Vice President and CTO of ZTE, Wang Xiyu.

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