
Free! Here’s How to Register for the SisBerdaya DANA Program


DANA officially launched the SisBerdaya program for women in Indonesia. For those who are interested, you can register for the SisBerdaya DANA program by following the following methods.

SisBerdaya is a training and competition program organized by DANA, Ant Group and UN Women which is dedicated to empowering Indonesian women entrepreneurs.

The mission of SisBerdaya is for women to acquire skills, business knowledge and digital capabilities so they can continue to innovate in developing their businesses. Then to advance women’s businesses in accelerating the digital economy in Indonesia.

The program targets female MSMEs throughout Indonesia who fall into the ultra micro or MSMEs category with an income of IDR 1 million to IDR 10 million. Then micro MSMEs or those who earn a monthly income of IDR 11 million to IDR 30 million.


During the program, they will receive education on business management and strategy, digital payments and marketing, global sales and so on. Training is carried out hybrid participants are not charged a penny alias free.

How to Register for the DANA SisBerdaya Program

Before discussing how to register for the SisBerdaya DANA, we will first discuss the stages of SisBerdaya’s qualifications. Opened by the registration process through the DANA application which can be done from 14 March 2023 to 17 April 2023.

Next is an evaluation of all prospective participants who register. There will be 180 selected participants, each of which will be divided into 30 participants per area and per category. Hundreds of selected participants will then receive online skills training and mentoring.

During the training, 180 participants will be re-selected into 5 selected participants who will advance to the next stage. The five participants will receive offline business assistance to finally take part in the grand final round in May 2023.


They will compete for prizes with a total value of up to IDR 200 million. As for how to register for the SisBerdaya DANA, as follows:

  • Open the DANA application and click the SisBerdaya banner.

How to Register for SisEmpowerment Funds

  • Next select Come on, register to obtain information about SisBerdaya, and a link to register for the program.

How to Register #SisBerdaya

  • If you have understood the information about SisBerdaya, then press Click here to register for SisBerdaya, it’s free!

DANA SisBerdaya Perempuan

  • Please fill in personal data such as name and other information until it’s finished.

SisBerdaya FUND

Okay, that was information about how to register for the SisBerdaya DANA. For those who are interested, good luck! [NM/HBS]

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