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Focusing on the Indian Market, Xiaomi Prepares a New Sub-brand?


After the Poco and Redmi brands, Xiaomi is reportedly preparing a new sub-brand for HP products. The new brand is aimed at consumers in India who like technology or tech heavy.

Reported The telephone from Gizmo China on Saturday (27/8/2022), as it is known that Xiaomi already has sub-brands namely Redmi and Poco, which target consumers from generation Z and millennials.

However, Xiaomi doesn’t seem satisfied with only having 2 sub-brands. Recently, information emerged that the Chinese manufacturer is preparing a new sub-brand. Information about this circulated from Mobile Indian.

According to the media, Xiaomi plans to introduce a new sub-brand or maybe a new series to the public. The name of the brand or the new series that will be launched by Xiaomi is not disclosed.


Mobile Indian only provides a few clues, for example the Xiaomi brand or series that will be present in smartphone products and the target market is the technology enthusiast community.

Still from the same report, this sub-brand or series will be supported by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 processor. As for premium cellphones, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778 chipset will be embedded.

In addition, the phone is reported to regularly perform 3 major updates and 4 years of security patches on time.

Talking about price, Xiaomi’s latest cellphone with a new sub-brand costs around USD 188 to USD 313 or IDR 2.7 million to IDR 4.6 million. The price range is the same, with the price of Redmi and Poco products.

The devices launched under this new sub-brand or series will reportedly be produced in India. Xiaomi has not provided any confirmation regarding this rumor.


However, the reason Xiaomi will release a new brand is allegedly due to OnePlus’ generic transition and the declining popularity of Pixel devices in India. This creates a market void for the tech-enthusiast consumer segment, so Xiaomi is willing to fill it with a new sub-brand.

So, let’s just wait for the continuation of this rumor. Even if the new sub-brand is actually released, then Xiaomi is one of the smartphone manufacturers that has many sub-brands. [NM/IF]

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