Trick Tips

Without Additional Applications, How to Improve HP Infinix Gaming Performance


One of the factors HP Infinix is ​​increasingly in demand by the public is because the price is relatively affordable. Even so, the specifications and performance offered are still tough and attractive. In fact, HP Infinix under Rp. 3 million or under Rp. 2 million already have pretty good performance.

This makes HP Infinix in demand in the market smartphone Indonesia. Imagine, you can play game smoothly using only affordable cellphones. Even so, some Infinix cellphones may need more encouragement so that the resulting performance can increase. At least minimal lag or broken.

To overcome this, the Caris Signal team has prepared a discussion on how to improve performance on HP Infinix. The method that will be discussed is quite easy to do because you don’t need to use any third-party applications. If you are curious, just watch this article until it runs out, OK?

How to Improve Performance Gaming HP Infinix Without Applications

Ways to do to improve performance gaming on HP Infinix this is quite easy. You don’t need to bother downloading third-party applications. Check out the following procedure to be able to do this.

1. How to Improve Performance Gaming Melalui Game Zone

The first way that can be done to improve performance gaming is through the Game Zone. Game Zone is the default application from Infinix which is already installed. Not only improving performance, this application can also help increase comfort in playing game. Following are the steps to access the Game Zone,

improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • The first step that must be done is to open the application “Game Zone” in your HP Infinix.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • After that, you will see some game that you have previously downloaded.
  • If game that you want to play is not there yet, you can add it by pressing the “Plus/plus” in the upper right.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • After that, you are free to choose game what to enter into the Game Zone by pressing toggle beside him.
  • In fact, you can also include other applications besides game so that it can run more smoothly.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • After that, please press the bolt icon on the top left to enter “Game Mode”.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • Here, you can set some of the existing features.
  • First, please press toggle beside “Game Mode” to activate the Game Zone application.
  • Below that there is an option “Game assistant panel” which you can enable. Its function is so that you can open this Game Mode by simply swiping from the top right or left edge inward.
  • Furthermore, you can also set incoming notifications when playing game by selecting the “Message notification method”.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • To get rid of notifications during play gameyou can choose “Message do not diturb”.
  • Back to the previous page, you can also set the playing duration game by selecting “Game Anti-Addiction”.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • Then, press toggle on the side”Health Reminder” to be reminded every 2 hours of playing.
  • On the previous page there is also a menu “Advanced settings” that you can choose.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • In it, you can activate all the options available.
  • Starting from “Turn off automatic brightness adjustment” to turn off automatic screen brightness. “Anti-inadvertent mode” in order for the navigation system to be pressed twice to activate. last there”Network change protection” so as not to switch networks automatically.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • On the front page”Game Zone”, you can open the window at the bottom by pressing “Dar-Link Engine”.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • There you can turn off notifications for messages, calls, and alarms by pressing toggle which is next to it.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • After finishing setting the various features, press “Start game” under game which you will play.
improve the gaming performance of Infinix cellphones
  • You can open this Game Zone panel in a game by swiping from the right or left edge of the screen and holding down briefly.
  • In that panel, you can select the menu “Memory Cleaner” in order to improve performance.

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