
Telkomsel Wins 3 Awards at the Ookla Speedtest Awards 2022


Ookla gave three awards to Telkomsel at the Ookla Speedtest Awards 2022 event. The awards were received on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress (MWC 2023) event in Barcelona.

Optimization of network capabilities and quality broadband which Telkomsel has endeavored to gain recognition by winning an award at the Ookla Speedtest Awards 2022.

At this annual event, Telkomsel won awards for three categories assessed by Ookla, namely the Fastest Mobile Network, Best Mobile Coverage, and Best Mobile Network categories.


Additionally, on consumer-initiated tests taken using the Ookla Speedtest, Telkomsel is also verified as the network provider with the best latency level (Best Latency Mobile Network).

“Telkomsel expresses its appreciation for the report issued and the award that has been given to Ookla. This achievement is a driving force for Telkomsel in innovating with the implementation of the latest technology,” said Telkomsel Marketing Director Derrick Heng.

Derrick ensures that Telkomsel will continue to accelerate equal distribution of network access broadbandto stay relevant to customer needs, through digital lifestyle products and services.

Based on the Ookla Speedtest Awards 2022 report, for the Fastest Mobile Network Category, Telkomsel has access speed broadband the highest in Indonesia with a Speed ​​Score of 27.27 Mbps.

Whereas in the Best Mobile Coverage Category, Telkomsel won a Coverage Score of 882, with approximately 97.3 percent of customers served by the network. broadband 4G/LTE Telkomsel. These two achievements put Telkomsel as the Best Mobile Network.

Ookla also mentions that based on the analysis of the tests taken using Speedtest®, Telkomsel is verified as the network provider with the best latency or best latency mobile network with a latency value of 24 ms.

For information, Telkomsel has been doing this since March 2022 upgrade 3G to 4G/LTE network in stages and measured in 504 cities/districts throughout Indonesia.


Entering 2023, Telkomsel is continuing to upgrade its 3G network to 4G LTE, with the hope of further enhancing the convenience of a digital lifestyle experience, which is supported by the availability of network technology. broadband the latest Telkomsel with quality and coverage that is evenly distributed throughout the country.

“Telkomsel is committed to continuing to be leading digital telco which optimizes various potentials for progress and empowers the potential of all levels of society in all regions of Indonesia,” concluded Derrick. [HBS]

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