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Solar Headphones from Adidas Officially For Sale in Indonesia


After being launched in the global market in August 2022, now consumers in Indonesia can own adidas solar powered headphones called the Adidas RPT-02 SOL.

Based on an official statement received on Friday (23/9/2022), Erajaya Active Lifestyle announced the availability of headphones powered by the Sun, Adidas RPT-02 SOL in Indonesia, to be exact at the outlets. online nor offline Urban Republic.

According to the CEO of Erajaya Active Lifestyle, Djohan Sutanto, the reason for bringing the Adidas RPT-02 SOL is because it is in line with Erajaya Active Lifestyle’s mission in presenting products that support an active and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

“We present the Adidas RPT-02 SOL headphones for customers who want to stay connected or enjoy entertainment while exercising, without worrying about running out of power thanks to solar-powered charging technology,” said Djohan.

Djohan believes this product will be accepted in the community because these headphones are designed to meet the challenges of everyday lifestyle, and are always active without having to worry about running out of battery power.

“We believe this product will also be attractive to customers who crave products that are environmentally friendly, as well as can be used in various weathers, thanks to its IPX4 certification,” said Djohan.


Product Specification Adidas RPT-02 SOL

Headphone Adidas Tenaga Surya

Adidas teamed up with Zound Industries to design these headphones called the RPT-02 SOL. An environmentally friendly device because it can be charged with solar power from the Sun.

It is not explained how long it will take to fully charge the battery, when using solar power. However, Adidas claims these wireless headphones can last up to 80 hours on a single charge.

The ability to absorb sunlight is obtained because the headband of adidas solar headphones is made of a material called Powerfoyle. Highly flexible material made by Swedish solar technology company Exeger.


Powerfoyle material has two advantages, the first is that it can coat various objects ranging from walls of houses, cars to electronic products. Both materials are different from other materials, which require a natural and constant solar power.

So users don’t have to worry if the battery runs out, and the sky is cloudy and there is no sunlight. Because, users can use the light at home to charge the battery fully.

While for other specifications there is nothing special. The headphones have built-in controls for changing songs or volume, and there’s also an indicator that helps find the best light or lamp to charge.

In addition there is also a USB-C port, which can be used for charging using electricity. Then the Adidas RPT-02 is not waterproof, but it is IPX4 pocketed. That way the headphones are strong enough when exposed to sweat, fresh to sea water when used

You can get the RPT-02 SOL headphones starting on September 23 at all Urban Republic outlets, the e-commerce page, the Urban Republic official store in the Tokopedia and Shopee marketplaces.

The official price of the Adidas RPT-02 SOL is IDR 3,599,000. Buyers of this product at Eraspace and the Urban Republic Official Store at Tokopedia are entitled to a cashback of IDR 200,000. [NM/HBS]

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