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iPhone 15 Will Release Four Models with USB Type-C


The iPhone 15 series will reportedly use USB Type-C. Port This is also used in all models of the upcoming 2023 iPhone 15.

The iPhone 15 series will still come with four models. They are iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Ultra replacements for Pro Max, respectively.

The telephone quote from Apple InsiderTuesday (10/25/2022), a new report also claims that all iPhone 15 models have very significant feature differences.

Apple seems to be learning from the case of the iPhone 14 series. The overall demand for the iPhone 14 range is reportedly much lower than Apple expected.

Demand for iPhone 14 or base model is the lowest among other models. Because of this, the specifications and features of the iPhone 14 are very similar to the iPhone 13.

Apple’s perceived failure of demand for the iPhone 14 follows reports of poor sales of the iPhone 13 mini. Therefore, in 2023, Apple cleans up.

Market intelligence firm TrendForce does not cite any sources. However, through a press release, there is an analysis from the Semiconductor Research Department.

“TrendForce indicates that Apple will retain the four new models, featuring two processors to further differentiate each class,” he said.

Apple wants to clearly distinguish between the standard model iPhone and the high-end model. In addition to specifications, Apple makes a difference in terms of new features.

In terms of specs, in addition to a complete switch from the Lightning connector to Type C, the iPhone 15 Pro will have up to 8GB of memory capacity to match the processor.

Apple also made an increase in camera specifications. The main camera of the high-end iPhone 15 model will be 8P. For iPhone 15 Ultra, use a periscope lens.

The move to USB-C was also predictable, especially as the European Union introduced a mandate requiring all smartphones to be worn port the.

Then, the addition of periscope lenses had long been predicted. However, TrendForce believes that Apple’s new 5G modem development is coming to the iPhone 16 series.

“Soalmodem 5G in-house Apple, the company will continue to use Qualcomm’s because the results of the mmWav signal test cannot meet the requirements,” he said. [SN/HBS]

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