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Don’t Panic! Learn 5 Causes of Laptop Microphone Not Working


Laptops are currently not only used for office activities such as typing and sending emails. Laptops can now even be used to play game to video conferencing. Therefore, a number of features are added to the laptop, one of which is the feature microphone.

Of course to be able to use microphone on Laptop, you have to make sure the tool is working. This is important so that services or applications on the laptop can capture sound clearly.

Then, what if microphone Laptop not working? What is the cause? microphone laptop error? For more details, see the discussion below.

Microphone Functions on Laptops

Maybe some of you still don’t understand the function microphone on laptops. This is reasonable because laptops are basically devices used for work, not communicating.

However, along with the times, laptops have an important role in various activities, so manufacturers decide to present them microphone on laptops. Then, what are the functions of the microphone on a laptop? Check out the reviews below.

1. Voice Recording

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one function microphone on the laptop of course to record sound. This is useful for many activities, including if you are alone content creator. You can record conversations, to record music. With additional applications, laptops can make the recorded sound clearer and of better quality.

2. Voice Recognition

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As applications or programs develop, these applications or programs can now be used with speech recognition systems. For example Google Assistant and Siri. Both of these applications can recognize voices, commands to questions.

Now you don’t have to bother typing when you want to find out about something. By microphone on a laptop, you just talk and the application will give you the answers to your questions easily and quickly.

3. Main Game Online

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Laptops are now also starting to be used as devices gaming. Well, as it develops game online, microphone on the laptop urgently needed to communicate with other players in game.

4. Video Calling

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Laptops are starting to become a device for communicating. Especially with the presence of the internet and various applications related to communication. One of them is a video calling application. In addition to viewing videos, you can also communicate with the interlocutor using microphone.

Causes of Laptop Microphone Not Working

You may have experienced some problems with microphone on laptops. For example, when video call it turns out that your voice is not heard by the other person because microphone on a laptop that doesn’t work.

Reason microphone the laptop doesn’t work it can be from various things. In general, the cause can be from the system software (software) or physical damage microphone. For more details, see the description below.

1. App Permission Not Enabled

Cause of non-function microphone on a laptop is an application permission that has not been activated. As it is known microphone is a feature or tool that needs permission to be used in an application.

Not surprisingly, a number of operating system developers allow laptop owners to manage whether certain applications can access microphone on the laptop or not.

So if, someday microphone on the laptop it doesn’t work, it’s possible that the application permissions haven’t been activated. For you laptop users with a Windows 10 system, you can try the following method to grant access permissions microphone.

  • Open “Settings” on laptops. Click on the menu section “Privacy”. Or you can also type “Microphone” in the “Search” Windows.

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