smart phone

iPhone 14 Screen Service Turns Out Very Easy


Service for the iPhone 14 is actually easier than the previous model, as claimed by Apple some time ago.

iPhone 14 service, especially the screen, isn’t difficult as long as it’s not at a third-party repair shop. This means that you will have to repair your iPhone 14 at an authorized Apple store.

Phone Arenalike The telephone quoted on Monday (11/1/2022), reports that repairing the iPhone 14 is indeed easy, especially in disassembling casing.

However, making the iPhone 14 to function as usual is really a work that drains energy and thought. It’s hard to do!


The case began when two iPhone 14 light sensors, which are used to calibrate screen brightness, suddenly experienced operational problems.

If you decide to take it to an unauthorized repair shop for a light sensor replacement, don’t be surprised if the screen will go completely black.

To keep the crash from happening, you’ll need to remember the exact position of the screen brightness slider and adjust it manually every time.

Apple appears to have adopted the “part pair” restriction, meaning that each part has a digital ID that the iPhone 14 recognizes.

If it does not recognize the digital ID, then the screen will not function properly. The only way to fix is ​​to approve the new ID.

Unfortunately, this can only be done through Apple’s internal software and by Apple authorized technicians. Third-party technicians can’t do it.

Previously, third-party technicians could use a special device called programmer EEPROM or memori read-only electrically programmed.

The special device allows the user to rewrite the information stored in the microchip EEPROM. Even third-party technicians can read IDs.

However, the method doesn’t work on the new iPhone 14 lineup. So, yes, like it or not, users have to bring the iPhone 14 to the official Apple store if it is damaged.


In other words, Apple’s claim that the iPhone 14 is a device that is easier to repair than the previous series is not entirely believable.

Ease of repair will only be obtained when the user decides to bring the problematic iPhone 14 for repair at an Apple official store. [SN/HBS]

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