Trick Tips

Come on, take a peek at 4 ways to check the screen and touch screen on this Samsung cellphone


Checking the condition of the HP screen is of course very important. Regardless of the HP brand, new or used, keep checking the condition hardware your cellphone. Especially if you have used the cellphone for a long time. So, if you find a problem with the screen or other important part, you can immediately bring the cellphone to you service center.

As one of the best HP brands in the world, many people are looking for Samsung HP to make daily driver. Are you one of them? If so, don’t forget to check your Samsung cellphone screen. Make sure the condition is still okay, especially if you bring home a used cell phone.

If you’re still confused, the Caris Signal team will help you take a peek at how to check the screen and touch screen on a Samsung cellphone with several methods. Here’s the full discussion.

How to Check Samsung HP Screens and Touch Screens

Samsung Galaxy A32

Checking the condition of the Samsung HP screen can be done in several ways. Check out the following points to find out.

1. Use the Battery and Device Care Features

Samsung has a feature called Battery and Device Care. This feature can be relied upon to determine the health condition of several components hardware on HP. One of them is the screen. Then, how do you check the condition of the HP screen with this feature? Here are the steps:

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  • Open Settings or Settings on your Samsung mobile. For convenience, use search bar/search field in app drawer. Just type “Settings” or “Settings” in search barher
  • Look for the option “Battery and Device Care” in the Settings/Settings menu
  • Select the “Diagnostics” menu. After that, several test options will appear hardware and several other mobile features
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  • Continue by selecting the “Touch screen” menu to check the condition of the HP screen
  • Wipe your HP screen by using the fingers. Do this until the entire ash box turns blue
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When finished, a notification will appear with a description of the condition of your screen. Here, the Caris Signal team has already conducted the test. As a result, the condition of the HP screen is normal. If you are still curious, you can try repeating the diagnostic process by pressing the button “Retry”.

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This diagnostic feature can be used not only to check the ‘health’ condition of the screen. Features like NFC, cellphone signal, SIM card, cables charger, so that you can also check the battery status. If you want to know the conditions hardware, software or other features in its entirety, please press the button “Continue testing” after checking the condition of the HP screen.

2. Use Samsung Members

Apart from relying on the Battery and Device Care features, you can also try using the Samsung Members application to find out the condition of the Samsung HP screen.

Samsung Members is a default application from Samsung. Not only knowing the condition of the cellphone, at Samsung Members you can share information about Samsung devices with fellow users. So, for those of you who want to know how to use Samsung Members to check the HP screen, please follow the points below:

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You can access this feature through Samsung Members. Remote Support is a service from Samsung. With this service, you can find out the condition of your HP screen or other components. The experts from Samsung will do the remote monitoring for you.

To access Remote Support, please open the Samsung Members app. Enter the menu Support > Remote Support. From here, you will be taken to Samsung’s Smart Tutor service. Follow the existing orders. Enter your language, then tick terms of service and agree.

After that, enter six digits connection code. This code will be notified to you by phone by Samsung. From here, a Samsung expert will connect with your device. And if there’s a problem, they fix it remotely right away.

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