
How to Check the Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate in the Satu Sehat Application


The Ministry of Health has changed the PeduliLindungi application to Satu Sehat. Even though the name is changed, the data in PeduliLindungi will not be lost, including the Covid-19 vaccine certificate. So that you don’t get confused, here’s how to check and download a Covid-19 vaccine certificate in the Satu Sehat application.

Please note that as of March 1 2023, the PeduliLindungi application has changed its name to Satu Sehat. This name change is in line with the declining number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia, and aims to expand the scope of the application’s services.

Unlike PeduliLindungi, Satu Sehat offers more health services than PeduliLindungi. Satu Sehat is able to integrate medical record data and other service data into one platform.

The medical record data in question starts from vaccination certificates, child immunizations to recording the types of drugs consumed. However, along with changes in the application, many people are still confused about checking and downloading the Covid-19 vaccine certificate.

Even though the Covid-19 vaccine certificate is still in the Satu Sehat application. It’s just that because the features in Satu Sehat are somewhat different, so users are a little confused. In addition, the term Covid-19 vaccine certificate was changed to a Covid-19 vaccination card.


How to Check a Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate at One Sehat

The way to check and download the Covid-19 vaccine certificate at Satu Sehat is also the same as at PeduliLindungi. For more details, see the following tutorial:

  • Open the Satu Sehat Mobile application on your smartphone.
  • Select the menu Vaccines and Immunizations which has a syringe icon.

Check the One Healthy Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate

  • Later there will be several other menus such as Vaccine History & Certificate, Vaccine Ticket, Non-Indonesian vaccines and Check-in Verifier. Please click Vaccine History & Certificate to find out your Covid-19 vaccination certificate or card.

Check the COvid-19 Vaccination Card

  • Click the white box and green circle that says your name.

Way One Healthy Mobile

  • There is some information regarding the list of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine that you will receive. Please select which dose vaccine certificate you want to check and download.

One Healthy Covid-19 Vaccine

  • Displayed information regarding the type of Covid-19 vaccine, date of administration and identity. Click download certificate in the below section.

How to Check SatuSehat

  • Wait a few moments until the download process is complete. Please open the download file on your smartphone to view the Covid-19 vaccination card. The shape is roughly like this.


One Healthy Covid-19 Vaccine

Easy isn’t it? We hope this information is useful and answers your confusion regarding the fate of your Covid-19 vaccine certificate. [NM/HBS]

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